Science and GIS Update
Science and GIS Update
The Rainwater Basin Joint Venture is committed to transparency and building trust with our stakeholders by clearly articulating our goals and objectives in our long-term Planning documents and Annual Operations Plan. As part of that commitment, RWBJV also makes the geospatial data we develop to inform those plans Open and available to the public to the furthest extent possible, while maintaining the privacy of individuals that make our work possible. RWBJV host its Open data on the USGS ScienceBase platform, most of which is located in this directory. Links to the datasets can also be found on our website under Science & GIS at
Foundational datasets that inform RWBJV planning/decision-making and datasets which have broad-application potential beyond the developed purpose are our highest priority for providing as Open data. We continue to identify lower priority datasets and products currently in development that will be made Open in the future. Our GIS staff is also currently investigating options to make our data more digestible for spatial and non-spatial users through development of partnership, and integration with regional, data portals.
Recently, Roger Grosse (RWBJV GIS Specialist) gave a brief overview of RWBJV Open data resources at the 2024 RWBJV Informational Seminar. This presentation is available, along with the rest of the presentations from the seminar, on the RWBJV website.